If you're feeling...
- annoyed
- lost
- homesick
- critical of your host country, culture or family
- inexplicably ill
- lonely
- the urge to withdraw and do only solitary activities (sleep, read, listen to music, computer time)
...then you might be experiencing a low period due to the stress of cultural adjustment. There are some things you can do to help yourself cope during these times.
During low periods, try the following:
- Take a break and get good sleep; rest will clear your head.
- Remember that low periods are to be expected of someone living in a new country/culture/home; it doesn’t mean you’re failing.
- Share with your liaison/local volunteer; talking about your feelings may help you understand them better.
- Make plans to do something fun with your host family/friends or reach out to help others; take your mind off your own situation.
- Assess your time spent calling/e-mailing U.S. friends and family. Too much contact may be affecting your mood!
- Get some physical exercise.
- Focus on ways to make the most of your experience while it lasts.
The Emotional Passport is a helpful resource to prepare for these periods in your experience.