AFS will do everything possible to help you work through any issues you may encounter with your host family. However, in some cases, family changes may occur. If you should find yourself in a situation where you are changing families, here are some things to keep in mind:
- The reasons for family changes are varied and complex.
- An AFS participant and their host family may simply not be as compatible as initially hoped.
- There are two sides to every story:
- In the majority of cases, both parties (the AFS participant and the host family) have contributed to the events leading up to a family change.
- Placing blame squarely on any of the involved parties is not productive.
- The “true story” of a family change usually lies somewhere in between the feelings of the AFS participant and the host family.
- AFS volunteers or staff are always involved and will make the decision if there is a need for a family change.