Leverage your learning journey, create a Social Impact Project and earn your Certificate issued by AFS and the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice.
Once you are accepted as an AFS student you are enrolled in the Student Learning Journey. Read more here about this blended learning course consisting of self-directed learning modules, activities, videos, quizzes, and a reflection forum. Startng before you go abroad participants will also have the opportunity to connect with other AFS students from around the globe in real-time during a series of webinars. This approach maximizes the learning outcomes from your AFS experience and could help you to anticipate and overcome some of the cultural adjustment issues you may encounter during your time abroad.
Before you leave to go on your program you will have the option of advancing your global citizenship studies while abroad by enrolling in the Advanced Certificate in Global Citizenship for Social Impact course. This added opportunity gives you the chance to practice social impact by developing your own capstone project. You’ll develop an idea to create change, receive feedback from a committee of experts, and earn a certificate issued by AFS and the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice.
AFS partnered with the University of Pennsylvania to offer you this course because we know young people can change the world for the better. We’ve combined AFS’s 75+ years of experience in intercultural learning with the Center for Social Impact Strategy at the University of Pennsylvania’s expertise in social innovation and social impact to create this unique online program.
Learn how to develop your own Social Impact Project
This certificate course is an optional additional track that interested students taking part in AFS High School Study Abroad Programs can add to their experience. If you choose to add this certificate course, in addition to the AFS Student Learning Journey that every participant goes on, you will also:
- Test your social impact project prototype in the real world
- Get feedback from your peers
- Learn about storytelling
- Develop a personal and a public narrative about your project
- Record a capstone project video to submit to an official committee of evaluators
- Interact with peers and their projects from around the world
- Be assessed, receive feedback
- And, if you meet all criteria, earn a certificate from AFS and the Center for Social Impact Strategy at the University of Pennsylvania
The advanced certificate is your chance to go deeper into social impact and make a difference wherever you are in the world.
Do I have to pay extra?
Taking the certificate course has an additional cost of $245.
This unlocks access to six additional online modules and two additional virtual live sessions with our expert facilitators. It also covers the certification for the Advanced Certificate on Global Citizenship for Social Impact from AFS and the Center for Social Impact Strategy (CSIS) at the University of Pennsylvania.
Click here to see some videos of past student capstone projects
Register Here to enroll in the Advanced Certificate